Tuesday, August 4, 2009

How safe are your eyes?

So I'm just starting this blog and not quite sure all that I'm going to talk about but I hope you enjoy it and will comment if you do. I'll post some pictures of what I am currently working on but for right now I am on the hunt for some 'safety eyes'. They are used on every animal in this book I'm crocheting from but I'm not sure what they are. I imagine them being impervious to heat, light and shards of flying glass. Able to see for miles and surreptitiously see through buildings and over mountains. 
Sadly I think they're just difficult to detach from the faces of my creations. Although they're still not safe enough for babies. I need some eyes safe enough for babies. We'll see. I'll let you know what I come up with. In the mean time, any advice would be appreciated.

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